LaDu Lab Spotlight
2022 GRADS
Tamara Perez Ramos
Annabelle Moore
Fiona Myers
Megan Bi
Medha Venigalla
Helena Xeros,
Congrats on your master’s degree in Clinical Translational Sciences in Health Policy and Administration! And for your MD in 2 weeks!
We are proud of you and excited to see what the next phase of your life as a resident in Neurology at the Mayo Clinic has in store for you.
With much love,
LaDu Lab
Happy Birthday, Hiral!
LaDu Lab Spotlight
2021 GRADS
Ashwini Deshpande
Zarak Islam
Shreya Bellur
Mehul Patnam
Yaajnavalki Varanasi
Graduation/Holiday Party 2019
Our Response to COVID-19
How are we helping?
Our lab has donated to the UI Health System:
47 boxes of gloves
7 pairs of safety goggles
7,500 surgical masks
Our lab is encouraging responsible safety measures by:
Having our full time staff and undergraduates stay home and healthy.
Wearing masks in public and in the lab.
Staying positive and sharing what makes us happy during these uncertain times.
What makes us happy!

Sponsored Seminar
Interested? Check out "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Thomas S. Kuhn, 1962
Life Member William W. Root Society, UIC-COM and University of Illinois President’s Council, UI, 2019
Pictured: Mark Brodie
Mary Jo LaDu
University Scholar, Faculty Awards Reception, November 2019
Pictured: Susan Poser, Provost
Mary Jo LaDu, 2019 University Scholar
Sandra Coronel
LaDu Lab alumnus, Sandra Coronel, has received the Chancellor's Student Service Award (CSSA). The CSSA honors students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University through campus and community service. Students who receive this award have contributed a significant amount of time, effort and creativity to one or more campus and community service projects. Sandra was nominated and chosen for this award for the tremendous amount of dedication that she has devoted to the lab over the years. She spent countless hours running experiments, learning new techniques, training undergraduate students and becoming knowledgable on relavant materials in the field of Alzheimer's. We know Sandra will continue to inspire the scientific community with her passion and drive for learning. WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU SANDRA!
LaDu Lab Spotlight
Naomi Faulk
Julie Gawenda
Congratulations to our 2020 Graduating Seniors!
Sandra Coronel
Husam Naser
Bingtao Xiang
Sandra was an undergraduate research assistant in the LaDu lab from Spring 2018-Spring 2020. She was a student in the Honors College and graduated with a major in biological sciences. During her time at UIC, Sandra was a part of the L@S GANAS Research Fellowship and received multiple Honors College Research and Travel Grants. She presented at the L@s Ganas Research Forum in 2019. Sandra plans to attend pharmacy school in the future. We're so proud of you Sandra!!
Husam (Sam) was an undergraduate research assistant in the LaDu lab from Summer 2018-Spring 2020. He was a student in the Honors College and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a major in biological sciences. Sam received the Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Assistant award in 2018. Sam plans to attend Midwestern University physician assistant's school in the Fall. We're so proud of you Sam!!
Bingtao (Bing) has worked as an undergraduate research assistant in the LaDu lab since Spring 2017. He was a student in the Honors College and graduated with a major in biochemistry. During his time at UIC, Bing was a part of the GPPA Medicine program and received multiple Honors College Research and Travel Grants, as well as placing 2nd in the Chicago Society of Neuroscience Symposium in 2019. He also presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in 2019. Bing plans to attend UIC medical school in the Fall. We're so proud of you Bing!!
Congratulations to Dr. Aimee James Karstens on Defending!
Thesis title: Evaluation of plasma lipoprotein profiles in a Mediterranean diet intervention.
Aimee joined the LaDu lab in 2017 as a PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology. During her time as a graduate student at UIC, she was an ADRD T32 Fellow and received the Provost Zeiss Award in 2017 and 2018. Aimee presented at multiple national and international conferences and competitions, including the Society for Neuroscience conference, Experimental Biology conference, and the UIC Graduate College Three-Minute Thesis competition. Over the years, she mentored numerous undergraduate students, helping them each complete their own capstone projects. We are so proud of everything you've accomplished Aimee and know you'll go on to make great contributions to the scientific community!